ABC Irish Newspaper Circulations March 2023
ABC for March 2023
ABC for March 2023
February ABC for February 2023
January 2023 ABC’s:
Numbers are getting particularly thing on the ground – just like god news
There was a small break in transmission! The ABC for August are detailed below.
With only five papers reporting in the morning and the same quantity in the Sunday, I’d strongly suggest that the ABC metric is on its last legs. It doesn’t really give any indication as to what’s really happening in the market – but if the drops shown here are anything to go by, it’s not good.
The March ABC figures for the remaining papers in the ABC
February 2022 Circulation Numbers:
The first numbers of ’22. I think it will be an interesting year for the ABC and publishers to see if they can manage to maintain the need for this metric
Final numbers of ’21. With 10 papers still with skin in the game, it’s not really worth a comparison with ’20 with so few papers reporting.
Second last certificates of the year. Again , nothing out of the ordinary
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October ABC’s with little to report! Incredible to think that only ten titles are prepared to publish their numbers. I’d say if any other groupd decide to pull their data, the ABC metric is as good as dead. I’ve used ABC numbers to plot newspaper data from (in come cases) 1990. Individual years or papers (or both) can be viewed. See this here
The charts below can be broken down by title and/or year. They are split into the titles that produce monthly circulations and the six monthly titles (which are combined with the latter to give a better picture of the market). Monthly graphs are from 2009 and the six monthly are from 1990 (or from when a paper joined or exited the ABC). They are compiled in Data Studio and therefore 1) can be a little
September ABC’s have been published. Again, nothing dramatic and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get blood from this particular stone! Just to clarify – ‘No Cert’ is in the table for some publications. It means that they have not made public their cert for that month. An option for publishers that was introduced at the beginning of lock-down (March ’20) but is still available and availed of – The Guardian being the latest to join
Audited circulation for August ’21 are available and, for one something changed on the market. Using some of the rules introduced by the ABC way back in April ’20, Guardian News and Media numbers are only available by contacting the publisher. They are still registered with the ABC and conduct a Monthly audit but elect not to make it publicly available. In the Irish market, there are fourteen daily papers available, five of which are
July ABC’s are in and there is little to report. Mornings got a bit of a lift but the Sundays are down. Graphic shows the progress, or lack thereof, since January 2020.