September 2014 Irish Newspaper ABC Circulation

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As predicted, the tabloids slipped back after the euphoria of the start of the premiership abated in September. All the tabloids lost their August lustre and now it’s simply a slow decline to the “C” word on the 25th of December.

The Star and Sun are now perilously close to the slipping into the 50’s. Both papers tested those waters briefly earlier in the year only to be saved by the kick of a ball in August. The Star managed to hold on to most of the gains in August whereas The Sun and Mirror were back around 1,500 each on the previous month. But, I’d suggest, if the premier league begins to show a forerunner early in the season, then the appetite for news of the “foreign game” may wane.

The Morning market fell over 4,000 on the previous month and 22,000 on the year.

The Sundays don’t have much of a brighter story. Again the tabloids are down a few thousand on the month and the Mail on Sunday is down over 2,500. The Sunday Times found a floor at and actually managed to put on a few copies. However in early October The Sunday Times raised its cover price from €2.80 to €3.00 so it’s yet to be seen the effect of the price increase. It may begin to show in the October figures.

The People lost a much needed 800 copies to push them into 12,300. How long the publication will survive here is anyone’s guess with the Mirror and People’s editorial departments having merged and the Editor and Deputy Editor of the People falling on their swords in the process.

The Sundays back 8,000 on the month and 22,000 on the year.  

sep morning

sep sunday

Post Script: I just got the heads up from Vincent Jennings, Chief Executive Officer of CSNA. He informs me that as of Saturday 11th, the Daily Record will no longer be available in the Republic. Seemingly the logistics of getting the papers to the Republic each day was becoming arduous and on daily sales of about 500 copies per day it probably makes economic sense.

Title Sep-14 Sep-13 Aug-14 Y o Y M o M Y % +/- M % +/-
Daily Mirror  48,099 53,305 49,488 -5,206 -1,389 -10% -3%
Daily Record 469 479 528 -10 -59 -2% -11%
Irish Daily Star 61,271 66,665 61,409 -5,394 -138 -8% 0%
The Sun 60,480 64,599 62,064 -4,119 -1,584 -6% -3%
Tabloids 170,319 185,048 173,489 -14,729 -3,170 -8% -2%
Daily Express 2,802 3,263 3,016 -461 -214 -14% -7%
Irish Daily Mail 45,128 51,544 46,121 -6,416 -993 -12% -2%
The Daily Telegraph 2,798 2,892 2,969 -94 -171 -3% -6%
Financial Times 2,435 2,599 2,261 -164 174 -6% 8%
The Guardian 2,826 3,186 2,936 -360 -110 -11% -4%
The Times 2,465 2,305 2,601 160 -136 7% -5%
Morning Market 228,773 250,837 233,393 -22,064 -4,620 -9% -2%
Daily Star – Sunday 18,997 22,911 20,727 -3,914 -1,730 -17% -8%
The Sun/NotW 56,298 57,282 57,227 -984 -929 -2% -2%
Sunday Mail 866 1,038 1,005 -172 -139 -17% -14%
Sunday Mirror 34,444 39,685 36,418 -5,241 -1,974 -13% -5%
The People 12,396 15,918 13,231 -3,522 -835 -22% -6%
Sunday Express 3,409 3,922 3,719 -513 -310 -13% -8%
Sunday Post 551 589 557 -38 -6 -6% -1%
The Mail on Sunday 97,476 104,379 100,111 -6,903 -2,635 -7% -3%
The Observer 5,151 5,933 5,658 -782 -507 -13% -9%
The Sunday Telegraph 2,463 2,859 2,770 -396 -307 -14% -11%
The Sunday Times 88,434 88,429 87,473 5 961 0% 1%
Sunday  Market 320,485 342,945 328,896 -22,460 -8,411 -7% -3%
Total Market 549,258 593,782 562,289 -44,524 -13,031 -7% -2%