Newspaper Circulations September 2009

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Like it never happened and not a mention of it anywhere -‘like the orphan child’ as they used to say. One day your group has a combined circulation in the Republic of 6,400 (nothing ecstatic I know, but still..). Then the next month it’s a combined 1,400 – but not a jot about it! Is this the Mary Celeste of the September numbers? The circulation of the Daily Record and its big sister the Sunday Mail have all but collapsed here – but overnight? I don’t think so! In the absence of any comments either on the ABC site or on the publishers site it’s open to idle speculation as to where the 5,000 ‘sales’ went to. Anyway, same swings and roundabouts again. The Sun took a bit of a pasting loosing 2,500 copies in the month unlike its bedfellows as the other Red Tops did well. September should be a decent month for the Reds in particular with the Premier League in full swing and, importantly, the All Ireland Football and Hurling finals normally throw on a few extra copies for the tabloids. And rightly so as they make a good fist of reporting the domestic sport (during the summer months anyway)

Title Aug Sep +/-
Daily Mirror 64,948 64,786 -162
Daily Record 1,736 501 -1,235
Daily Star 99,317 99,621 304
The Sun 95,457 92,905 -2,552
Daily Express 3,700 3,499 -201
Daily Mail 48,662 50,212 1,550
The Daily Telegraph 3,146 3,077 -69
Financial Times 3,542 3,840 298
The Guardian 4,321 4,256 -65
The Independent 1,382 1,273 -109
The Times 3,081 2,762 -319
Morning Market 329,292 326,732 -2,560
Daily Star – Sunday 58,108 62,465 4,357
News of the World 138,948 136,847 -2,101
Sunday Mail 4,715 920 -3,795
Sunday Mirror 43,052 40,917 -2,135
The People 23,317 22,249 -1,068
Sunday Express 4,932 4,695 -237
Sunday Post 920 860 -60
The Mail on Sunday 107,304 105,784 -1,520
Independent on Sunday 1,914 1,802 -112
The Observer 9,087 9,849 762
The Sunday Telegraph 2,704 2,692 -12
The Sunday Times 118,072 117,587 -485
Racing Post 7,485 7,506 21
Sunday Market 520,558 514,173 -6,385
Total Market 849,850 840,905 -8,945

Trying desperately to ignore the Scottish Daily Records figure, the Sunday Daily Star seems to have grabbed a fair few copies from the other Red tops. It picked up 4,300 of the 5,300 that the others dropped. The Sunday Time hung on to the copies it gained (or regained) the previous month. It’s spiring partner The Mail on Sunday lost 1,500 this month. The People seems to still want to hang in there until it breaks through the 20 mark. Since the beginning of the year** the Morning market is back 17,600 copies or 5% and the Sunday back 14,000 or 3%. ** Ignoring the Sunday Mail and Record numbers until we find that ship.