Irish Newspaper Circulation October 2009

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Another month and guess what ….

Daily Mail fell over the fifty mark, but the sibling had a monster month adding 20,000 to their circulation figure – which is impressive, to say the least. They gave a way some big CD’s during October namely Robbie Williams and Pavarotti and they also signed up Rachel Allen backed with her own 24 page glossy culinary guide – all combined to make a recipe for success in October.

Only for that, the Sunday market would have been a disaster. Taking out the MoS the market would have been down 14,000. The Sunday Mirror dipped into the 30’s and the Sunday People are still fighting hard to break through the 20 mark. The Daily Star on Sunday lost any gains from the previous month.

In the morning market, the tabloids were down – not even a few world cup matches could boost their numbers.  

Continuing on from our last lesson – “How to loose 80% of your circulation in a month  – 101” – well it looks like the Sunday Mail “found” a few copies it lost in September, 1,387 to be exact. They may have found them under the stairs or under the drivers seat in the van, regardless, we are all thankful that we can continue to watch ‘see-saw circulation’. 

Its morning partner wasn’t so lucky. The Record is still missing the 1,500 it had in September – they checked the stairs and under the drivers and passenger seat – to no avail. It’s a mystery worthy of the good Mr. Holmes himself.

Title Sep Oct +/-
Daily Mirror 64,786 62,876 -1910
Daily Record 501 833 332
Irish Daily Star 99,621 97,113 -2508
The Sun 92,905 90,274 -2631
Daily Express 3,499 3,113 -386
Irish Daily Mail 50,212 48,177 -2035
The Daily Telegraph 3,077 2,971 -106
Financial Times 3,840 3,812 -28
The Guardian 4,256 4,097 -159
The Independent 1,273 1,142 -131
The Times 2,762 2,629 -133
Morning Market 326,732 317,037 -9695
Daily Star – Sunday 62,465 54,574 -7891
News of the World 136,847 134,782 -2065
Sunday Mail 920 2,307 1387
Sunday Mirror 40,917 38,481 -2436
The People 22,249 21,349 -900
Sunday Express 4,695 4,434 -261
Sunday Post 860 829 -31
The Mail on Sunday 105,784 126,221 20437
Independent on Sunday 1,802 1,512 -290
The Observer 9,849 9,189 -660
The Sunday Telegraph 2,692 2,520 -172
The Sunday Times 117,587 116,923 -664
Racing Post 7,506 6,686 -820
Sunday  Market 514,173 519,807 5634
Total Market 840,905 836,844 -4061