Irish Newspaper Circulation July 2012

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The Morning tabloids showed a rise in circulation, mainly due to the strength of the Mirror, although The Sun and Star had small increases as well. Surprisingly, there was only one faller month on month – the Daily Mail. This is counter balanced by the fact that there were only two papers to show and increase year on year.  

The tabloids are down over 30,000 in the past twelve months and the total morning market is down 34,000 in the year.

The Sunday Sun continues to disappoint on the sales front dropping 5,600 on the month. It’s really not looking good for the publication which has been met with a very luke warm reception. Nobody could ever defend the actions of its previous incarnation, but has the group lost its edge after the hammering it took over the phone “hacking”.

sosThe Sunday Sun has made no real effort to distinguish itself from the Daily – not to level of difference that existed between The Sun and the NoW. Murdock did say from the outset that it was going to be a ‘seven day publication’, which, from the sales, is not going down too well witht eh buying public. Its total circulation is now 2.1m copies every Sunday, which is still a staggering figure, but that’s down from 2.5m in March and 3.2 on its launch edition.

You could sit and type thousands of pages on the underhand way that paper went about gathering stories – but it got some fantastic stories without (supposedly) the use of hacking: the off field antics of Rooney, fake oil sheiks, entrapped royalty looking for bungs and ‘bent’ cricketers fixing matches to mention a few. In comparison, the Sunday Sun has, well to be blunt – no balls!             

The Sunday Mirror also fell over 2,000 in comparison to June. The Mail on Sunday also dropped 2,500 and the Independent has been withdrawn from the Irish market completely although it still maintains the distribution of the ‘I’.

The Sunday Times still haven’t climbed over the 100,000 wall falling just over one hundred short of adding another digit to their circulation this month. The Sunday market is down over 5,000 on the month and over 25,000 on the year.  

Title Jul-12 Jul-11 Jun-12 Y/Y +/- M/M +/-
Daily Mirror  56,397 63,492 53,330 -7,095 3,067
Daily Record 664 734 587 -70 77
Irish Daily Star 72,135 86,562 72,113 -14,427 22
The Sun 71,322 80,052 71,381 -8,730 -59
200,518 230,840 197,411 -30,322 3,107
Daily Express 2,902 3,347 2,954 -445 -52
Irish Daily Mail 49,064 49,787 50,262 -723 -1,198
The Daily Telegraph 2,530 3,155 3,004 -625 -474
Financial Times 4,033 3,473 3,014 560 1,019
The Guardian 3,421 4,055 3,284 -634 137
i 720 -720 0
The Independent 0 1,124 780 -1,124 -780
The Times 2,358 2,342 2,228 16 130
Morning Market 264,826 298,843 262,937 -34,017 1,889
Daily Star – Sunday 28,884 45,537 26,053 -16,653 2,831
The Sun/NotW 68,945 74,566 68,945 -5,621
Sunday Mail 1,187 2,007 1,144 -820 43
Sunday Mirror 39,761 66,980 41,839 -27,219 -2,078
The People 18,395 26,620 16,802 -8,225 1,593
157,172 141,144 160,404 16,028 -3,232
Sunday Express 3,861 4,732 3,792 -871 69
Sunday Post 736 813 677 -77 59
The Mail on Sunday 103,410 132,419 105,955 -29,009 -2,545
Independent on Sunday 0 1,888 1,207 -1,888 -1,207
The Observer 6,640 8,157 6,203 -1,517 437
The Sunday Telegraph 3,004 3,315 2,807 -311 197
The Sunday Times 99,879 107,250 99,003 -7,371 876
Sunday  Market 374,702 399,718 380,048 -25,016 -5,346
Racing Post 5,243 5,243 5,918 0 -675
Total Market 639,528 698,561 642,985 -59,033 -3,457