JNLR 2015Q2 Dublin Listenership

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Turning our attention to the capital now, we see that radio listenership is up 26,000 on the previous year or 2.5% and now stands at 81%. Considering that radio listening in the city declined every survey from 2011Q1 until  2014Q1, it’s a healthy trend survey of late showing a growing audience for radio. 

On a year on year basis the accolades go to Today FM up 18,000 (22%) and Newstalk up 20,000 (+13%). The other stations turned in some decent rises as well and the only fallers were Q102 and 4FM. The tables and graphic below spare me the laborious commentary!

Book on book it’s not all in positive territory with Newstalk, Q102 and 98FM losing some ground since the last book and Radio 1, Spin, FM014 and Sunshine the only stations to record an increase on 15Q1.   

Table : Dublin Reach
  Year On Year   Book on Book
  15Q2 14Q2 +/- +/- Ch   15Q1 +/- +/- Ch
RTE Radio 1 305 30% 278 27% 27 3% 10%   297 29% 8 1% 3%
FM 104 188 18% 185 18% 3 0% 2%   184 18% 4 0% 2%
Newstalk 170 17% 150 15% 20 2% 13%   174 17% -4 0% -2%
Spin 1038 149 15% 136 13% 13 2% 10%   147 14% 2 1% 1%
98FM 105 10% 101 9% 4 1% 4%   109 11% -4 -1% -4%
Today FM 99 10% 81 8% 18 2% 22%   99 10% 0 0% 0%
Q102 87 9% 91 9% -4 0% -4%   92 9% -5 0% -5%
RTE 2FM 76 7% 70 7% 6 0% 9%   77 8% -1 -1% -1%
RTE Lyric FM 58 6% 57 6% 1 0% 2%   60 6% -2 0% -3%
Radio Nova 100FM 56 5% 55 5% 1 0% 2%   58 6% -2 -1% -3%
Sunshine 106.8 55 5% 35 3% 20 2% 57%   45 4% 10 1% 22%
Classic Hits 4FM 35 3% 36 4% -1 -1% -3%   38 4% -3 -1% -8%
Phantom 105.2FM 22 2% 18 2% 4 0% 22%   22 2% 0 0% 0%

 twoBars dublim

RTE1 is still dominant in the capital with a 30% reach and a 117,000 lead on its nearest rival FM014. The fight for second place looked like a close run thing last time out with Newstalk only 10,000 listeners behind FM014 for the second slot (bragging rights only really). This gap has now widened to 18,000 in this survey due to a Newstalk decline and an increase in FM104 listenership.

Today FM are probably disappointed not to have capitalised on the momentum they were experiencing in Dublin in the last few surveys. They made no reach gains on the previous book leaving them perched at 99,000 again. It’s back to 2009Q4 we’d have to go to see Today FM above 100,000 in the city.

2FM, like with its national picture, would seemed to have applied the brakes to the Dublin decline turning the corner since it hit a low point in 2012Q4 and dropping to 62,000 listeners in the metropolis. The gains have been marginal but positive in the main. Below are historical and pictorial representations of the reach of the stations in Dublin.    

Table : Dublin Reach Historic
  15Q2 15Q1 14Q4 14Q3 14Q2 14Q1 13Q4
RTE Radio 1 305 30% 297 30% 285 28% 280 28% 278 27% 275 27% 286 28%
FM 104 188 18% 184 18% 187 18% 182 18% 185 18% 194 19% 196 19%
Newstalk 170 17% 174 17% 170 17% 162 16% 150 15% 137 14% 128 13%
Spin 1038 149 15% 147 15% 142 14% 138 14% 136 13% 129 13% 127 13%
98FM 105 10% 109 10% 110 9% 103 9% 101 9% 88 9% 85 8%
Today FM 99 10% 99 10% 88 9% 87 9% 81 8% 74 7% 81 8%
Q102 87 9% 92 9% 97 10% 82 8% 91 9% 89 9% 87 9%
RTE 2FM 76 7% 77 7% 75 7% 73 7% 70 7% 71 7% 72 7%
RTE Lyric FM 58 6% 60 6% 56 6% 61 6% 57 6% 54 5% 55 5%
Radio Nova 100FM 56 5% 58 5% 55 5% 52 5% 55 5% 49 5% 50 5%
Sunshine 106.8 55 5% 45 5% 43 4% 38 4% 35 3% 34 3% 33 3%
Classic Hits 4FM 35 3% 38 10% 38 4% 37 4% 36 4% 32 3% 31 3%
Phantom 105.2FM 22 2% 22 2% 20 2% 20 2% 18 2% 15 1% 15 1%

Graphic: Dublin Reach 

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Just to give some background into the Dublin tastes here are the top 20 weekday programmes

Table: Dublin Top 20


  Station Time Programme Reach
1 RTE1 07.00-09.00 Morning Ireland 168
2 RTE1 10.00-12.00 Sean O’Rourke 144
3 RTE1 09.00-10.00 John Murray 120
4 RTE1 13.45-15.00 Liveline 114
5 RTE1 13.00-13.45 News at One 111
6 RTE1 12.00-13.00 Ronan Collins 97
7 Spin 14.45-18.45 Steve K 90
8 FM014 10.00-15.00 The 10-3 Show 87
9 FM014 06.00-10.00 Strawberry Alarm Clock 83
10 RTE1 16.30-19.00 Drivetime 82
11 News 07.00-10.00 Breakfast 80
12 FM014 15.00-19.00 The Jam 70
13 RTE1 15.00-16.30 Ray D’Arcy 62
14 News 16.30-19.00 Right Hook 58
15 News 10.00-12.30 Pat Kenny 56
16 News 13.30-16.30 Moncrieff 45
17 Today 07.00-09.00 Ian Dempsey Breakfast 44
18 Today 09.00-12.00 Anton Savage 43
19 Q102 13.00-17.00 David Harrington 43
20 Spin 07.00-09.45 Fully Charged 43

 I added to the Dublin Figures – there was some interesting chatter in excluding the Nationals and simply looking at the Locals. I have no choice but to restrict the listings to FM104, 98FM, Q102 and Spin – the adage of ‘work fills the time allotted’ springs to mind!

So, below are the programmes compared to their previous year, all fairly pedestrian. The ‘#’ column shows the rank of each programme amongst the others in the table. The table is sortable as well

Table: Dublin Programmes
Station Time # Programme 15Q2 14Q2 +/- +/-
FM014 06.00-10.00 3 Strawberry Alarm Clock 83 78 5 6%
FM014 10.00-15.00 2 The 10-3 Show 87 86 1 1%
FM014 15.00-19.00 4 The Jam 70 82 -12 -15%
FM014 19.00-21.00 19 It’s Your Call 15 13 2 15%
FM014 21.00-01.00 15 FM104 Phoneshow 28 34 -6 -18%
98FM 07.00-10.00 10 The Ray Foley Show 38 41 -3 -7%
98FM 10.00-12.00 12 Dublin Talks 33 33 0 0%
98FM 12.00-16.00 7 Barry Dunne 42 44 -2 -5%
98FM 16.00-19.00 11 The Big Ride Home 34 35 -1 -3%
98FM 19.00-21.00 21 The Fix with Brian Maher 11 8 3 38%
98FM 21.00-22.00 23 On-Air with Ryan Seacrest 5 3 2 67%
98FM 22.00-00.00 22 Dublin Talks At Night 8 8 0 0%
Q102 06.00-09.00 17 Breakfast Show 21 21 0 0%
Q102 09.00-13.00 9 Liam Coburn 39 42 -3 -7%
Q102 13.00-17.00 5 David Harrington 43 47 -4 -9%
Q102 17.00-19.00 16 Aidan Cooney 23 30 -7 -23%
Q102 19.00-00.00 20 Debbie Allen 14 20 -6 -30%
Spin 07.00-09.45 5 Fully Charged 43 45 -2 -4%
Spin 09.45-12.45 12 Nikki Hayes 33 36 -3 -8%
Spin 12.45-14.45 7 Spin Talk 42 44 -2 -5%
Spin 14.45-18.45 1 Steve K 90 79 11 14%
Spin 18.45-21.00 14 The Zoo Crew 30 27 3 11%
Spin 21.00-00.00 18 Total Request Live 18 14 4 29%




Shares show that RTE1 have largest share in the capital. Year on Year RTE1 and 98FM have made share ground with Q102 and FM104 being on the other end of that spectrum. Book on Book again RTE1 added 1.5% (points) and Sunshine and FM104 made ground as well whereas Q102, Lyric and 98FM lost out on some share against the previous survey.   

Table : Dublin Shares
  Year On Year   Book on Book
Station 15Q2 14Q2 +/-   15Q1 +/-
RTE Radio 1 33.8% 33.4% 0.4%   32.3% 1.5%
FM104 11.1% 11.6% -0.5%   10.7% 0.4%
Newstalk 10.3% 10.0% 0.3%   10.5% -0.2%
Spin 1038 7.1% 7.1% 0.0%   7.2% -0.1%
Dublin’s 98FM 6.4% 5.9% 0.5%   6.7% -0.3%
Today FM 6.2% 6.1% 0.1%   6.3% -0.1%
Q102 5.2% 6.9% -1.7%   5.9% -0.7%
RTE 2FM 4.5% 4.9% -0.4%   4.7% -0.2%
Sunshine 106.8 4.0% 2.5% 1.5%   3.4% 0.6%
Nova 100FM 3.5% 3.9% -0.4%   3.7% -0.2%
RTE Lyric FM 3.2% 3.2% 0.0%   3.6% -0.4%
Classic Hits 4FM 2.6% 2.3% 0.3%   2.6% 0.0%
TXFM 1.0% 1.3% -0.3%   1.2% -0.2%
Graphic : Dublin Shares

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Note: Nova is included here in the Dublin figures. Nova’s franchise is “Dublin Commuter” where they reach 71,000 listeners and 6%. 

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