I stumbled across broadsheet.ie earlier this morning as I was looking at what has been called, in particular grandiose terms it should be said, News 2.0.
The term gives the impression that News has moved on, we have reached a new Golden Era.
The News is Dead, Long Live the News (2.0)
Perhaps a more apt term would be Parasitic 2.0. If copying and pasting stories you find in your selection of bookmarks passes for News 2.0, then we’re all in serious trouble. Wikileaks becomes Wik-CtrlC-CtrlV.
Back to the story of broadsheet.ie: This morning in a fairly puerile attempt at what they obviously think passes as humour, they added their own ‘sub heads’ to story regarding the questioning of Louis Walsh about an alleged assault in a nightclub.
All very, very childish. Long live News 1.0