QR Codes again!

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The Sunday Business Post ran adverts for Sherry FitzGerald last Sunday where the adverts carried QR codes. The codes, once read in an appropriate reader on a Smartphone, will link the advert to the sherry FitzGerald website. And fair enough, it’s a bit of innovation in an arena that slow to innovate.

A follow-up article this week gave the impression that this was somewhat ‘cutting edge’. Whilst Sherry may have been the first to use the QR code in an advert, its far from cutting edge.

Similarly, there was a story in the Irish Times in April extolling the virtues of the technology and somewhat beaming at the fact that their joint venture paper, The Metro Herald, will begin to experiment with the technology.

Considering that The Sun were using the technology in November 2007, it really cant be considered as innovative.