JNIR 2009

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The latest JNIR arrived showing the web audiences of the participating websites. It shows that, out of the websites surveyed, Yahoo was the highest placed.

Universe 3,526 100%
Yahoo.ie 635 18
Eircom.net 413 12
RTE.ie 206 6
Irishjobs.ie 154 4
Golden Pages.ie 147 4
Ticketmaster.ie 140 4
Irishtimes.com 132 4
Independent.ie 132 4
Entertainment.ie 102 3
Myhome.ie 99 3
Breakingnews.ie 94 3
Irishexaminer.com 52 1
Pigsback.com 33 1
NightCourses.com 23 1
Hotpress.com 18 1
DayCourses.com 15 0

At least the JNIR (whilst not perfect) does go some way to try and get some demographic data into the area of Irish Internet Search. Google’s Ad Planner data have possibly a more accurate picture of the top websites. Oddly enough (!) they are all too modest to reveal their own figures in their own data, but it still gives you an indication of the volumes going to each website. Portals, Social websites and News are the strong candidates there. Whereas Google would have some great data on the entire web, they certainly aren’t disclosing it in the Ad Planner data.

Site Past Month
Audience Unique Users %
yahoo.com 990,000 37.80%
live.com 920,000 35.10%
facebook.com 830,000 31.60%
msn.com 760,000 28.90%
bebo.com 750,000 28.50%
rte.ie 570,000 22%
daft.ie 290,000 11.20%
irishtimes.com 290,000 11.10%
about.com 290,000 11%
boards.ie 290,000 10.90%
independent.ie 270,000 10.30%
eircom.net 270,000 10.20%
imdb.com 260,000 10.10%
myspace.com 240,000 9.20%
amazon.com 240,000 9.20%
windows.com 220,000 8.40%
ebay.com 220,000 8.30%
flickr.com 220,000 8.30%
carzone.ie 180,000 7%
photobucket.com 180,000 7%

The report suggested that the total internet audience in the Republic now stands at 54%, that’s 1.895 million people using the internet in the past 6 months and 990k use the internet daily. The biggest internet penetration is in Dublin with 60% of the population using the internet in the past 6 months there. What do Irish internet users buy when they are online – well quite a variety of products and services it seems:

Bough or Paid for in the past Month
‘000s %
Universe 1,895 100%
Flights 521 27%
Hotels or accommodation 324 17%
Concert and Cinema tickets 320 17%
Books / magazines 191 10%
CDs 187 10%
Mobile phone top ups 173 9%
Government Services 169 9%
Clothing 159 8%
Music downloads 133 7%
Electrical goods 123 6%
Online auctions 99 5%
Education / courses 72 4%
Video downloads 46 2%
Digital photo processing 42 2%
Food 31 2%
DVD rental 31 2%
Other 84 4%

The travel/tourism business is, at this point, fairly dependent on the Internet Search. The figures suggest that 521,000 people bought flights online in the past six months and that 324,000 booked hotels or other accommodation in the same period through the web. Finally, what have they used the internet for in the past month? When asked what they used the internet for in the past month, the top responses were as follows:

Bough or Paid for in the past Month
‘000s %
Category ‘000s %
Universe 1,895 100%
Travel information 958 51
News / Current affairs 726 38
Internet banking 591 31
Social networking 538 28
Sport news 530 28
Work-related research 485 26
Education & courses 431 23
Government services information 444 23
Entertainment 442 23
Job search 436 23
Free music downloads 433 23
Health  information 375 20
Entertainment listing guide 369 19
School or college research 338 18
Personal finance & Bill pay 334 18
Business news 317 17
Car Auto search 308 16
Online instant messaging 263 14
Free video downloads 229 12
House purchase search 210 11
Watch TV & videos 194 10
Online radio listening 174 9
Property Purchase 133 8
Blogs (reader) 126 7
Online gaming 118 6
Voice over IP 111 6
Accommodation rental 108 6
Listen/downloading podcast 81 4
Blogs (author) 64 3
Dating 45 2
Gambling or betting 32 2
Other 82 4

Travel again scored high as did the News and Current affairs sites; I would certainly suggest that this list will change in the coming year with Car/Auto searches declining along with house searches.